10 Days Discover Kenya Safari, Sweetwaters, Samburu, Mount Kenya, Lake nakuru , Masai mara Safari.



 Travel to Kenya and get to explore and discover Kenya Safaris, Kenya safari travel to Sweetwaters, Samburu, Mount Kenya , Lake nakuru , Masai mara Safari safari tours with the African safari Holidays tours expert, get to Witness the great Wildebeest Migration, the big five with our Kenya wildlife safari package winding up with relaxing at the Mombasa and Diani Beach or Zanzibar holiday vacation.

About this 10 Days Discovery Kenya Safari Tours & Packages; Safari tours in Kenya, Safaris in Kenya, Kenya tours, Kenya trips, holidays and vacations:

  • Private Safari - In your own Private Vehicle (not shared)
  • Departing Daily with Two People or More Flexible Travel Date - You Choose!
  • This is only a suggested 10 day itinerary. Please feel free to customize it as you wish or ask one of highly experienced safari professionals to help perfect it for you.
  • This Safari begins and ends in Nairobi, Kenya - Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (NBO)
  • Optional Extensions: Beach Vacation in Mombasa 


Detailed Itinerary

Day 1: Arrive Nairobi – Wildrace Africa Safari tours

Upon arrival at the Airport you are Met by our Professional Driver guide , he or she will brief you and take you to Sarova Pan Afric Hotel for Overnight Stay, Accommodation on Bed and Breakfast Basis Only. AT Sarova Pan Afric relax for an evening in preparation for a travel adventure of another kind. In the morning, meet your guide for the drive to Mt Kenya. Think of your guide as your own regional expert, knowledgeable in the local flora and fauna, and, especially, the local roads.
About Sweetwater’s; Safaris, Safaris in Kenya, Tours Kenya, Kenya trips, holidays and vacations
Located in Laikipia county in Kenya which is adjacent to Nanyuki town, the scenic Ol Pejeta Conservancy is a 360 km? (90,000 acre) is a nonprofit wild life conservancy. It is a relatively uncrowded area and home to a variety of wildlife and provides excellent game viewing. It was initially established as a game ranch in 1988 but in 2004, it was transformed into a wildlife conservancy
Kenya Safaris to Ol Pejeta attractions, Safaris,  Ol Pejeta trips, ol pajeta safari trip, holidays and vacations in kenya laikipa regon.

A large sanctuary of black Rhinos in East Africa.
Home to four of the remaining seven white rhinos in the world.
The only place in Kenya where you can view chimpanzees
Hosts the highest predators in Kenya
Has the highest wildlife to area ratio in Kenya
Home to the big five; Leopard, buffalo, lion, rhino and elephant.
Wildlife of Ol Pejeta

Ol pejeta is home to over 10,000 large mammals, some endangered species, the Jackson's hartebeest and the Grevy's zebra. A visit to this conservancy includes access to Sweetwaters Chimpanzee Santuary that was opened in 1993 by Jane Goodall Institute, Kenya Wildlife Service and the Ol Pejeta Conservancy.

The wild animals in Ol Pejeta – Legitimate Africa Travel Kenya Wildlife encounters.
Southern White Rhinos, Black Rhinos and the endangered Northern White rhinos.
About 300 elephants
Large predators; 30 cheetahs, 67 lions, 60 hyenas, 20 leopards and African wild dogs.
Smaller predators; Serval, black-backed jackal, bat-eared fox and the caracal.
Ostriches, aardvark, monkeys, baboons, giraffe and hippos.
Antelopes, eland, waterbuck, Beisa Oryx, Impala, Thomson's gazelle and Grant gazelle.
Over 300 birds species.

Day 2. Nairobi to Sweetwaters Game Sanctuary  - Wildrace Africa Sweetwaters Safaris

We begin our safari proper with a scenic drive through the coffee, pineapple and tea plantations of central Kenya arriving in time for lunch the Sweetwaters Wildlife Sanctuary. This is a beautiful private game reserve and home to rare species such as Beisa oryx, Rothschild's giraffe and black rhino. Game drives here reveal the full range of African wildlife including lion, leopard, cheetah, elephant and hippo. Enjoy a private visit with the tame animals at the wildlife orphanage. Observe chimps from the Jane Goodall Institute at the Sweetwaters Chimpanzee Sanctuary. Optional activities include walking safaris escorted by a local ranger, bird walks with several hundred species to observe, horseback and camel rides. Accommodation at Serena Sweetwater’s Luxury Tented Camp: Full Board.

About Samburu Safari tours: The Samburu Game Reserve has a few animal varieties which are thought to be extraordinary to the region. Samburu Game Reserve is arranged north of Nairobi, is just 40 square miles in size, and is a piece of the Northern Frontier District. You will have a shot of spotting creatures such as the Grevy's Zebra, Beisa Oryx, Reticulated Giraffe, Somali Ostrich, and Elephant, Lion, and Cheetah. There are also more than 350 types of the winged creature which incorporates Kingfisher, Sunbird, Bee-eater, Marabou Stork, Bateleur, Palm-nut Vulture.
There are two section focuses, the Buffalo Springs, and Ngai Mare doors, and commanded by two mountains, the Koitogor,and Ololokwe. There is a stream called the Uaso Nyiro or 'Chestnut Water' which courses through, originating from the Kenyan Highlands. The waterway is a fascination for the creatures, and the entire spot is truly very serene because for a long time it was hard to get to. The Uaso Nyiro River contains extensive quantities of Nile crocodiles, the second biggest types of crocodile, which can grow up to 20ft. Long, measuring over 1500lbs. As far as vegetation there is a blend of grass, thistle trees, river timberland and acacia. 

Day 3. Sweetwaters game Sanctuary /Samburu - Wildrace African Safari Tours

Early breakfast at your hotel, short game en-route, Leave sweetwaters  for Samburu pass the equator to Samburu land. arriving with a short game drive in time for lunch and check in at Sopa Lodge have lunch and relax.In the afternoon we go watching crocodiles basking on the muddy riverbanks and velvet monkeys frolicking in the sun.. Samburu park has unique resident wildlife species like the Reticulated Giraffe, Grevy’s Zebra, Beisa Oryx and the Blue legged Somali Ostrich. Dinner and overnight at Sopa Lodge.

Day 4. Samburu Safari Tours - Wildrace African Safari Trip Kenya

Morning and afternoon game drives set you in search of unique northern Kenya species such as the reticulated giraffe, beisa oryx, Grevy's zebra, and the long-necked gerenuk. Much of the reserve consists of desert landscape - dusty red plains broken by thorny scrub, featuring dramatic views of tabletop Mt Ol Olokwe on the horizon.Accommodation at sopa Samburu Lodge on Full Board Basis.

About Mount Kenya Safaris: Mount Kenya National Park and Reserve lies approximately 176kms North East of Nairobi and occupies an area of approximately 700 sq. kms, with a landscape comprising of mainly of forest and bare rock. The park is considered as the most favorite and the most popular with tourists. The region is home to a variety of wildlife including some unique and rare species, such as the Black and White Columbus and the Sykes monkeys, buffalo, Bushbuck, elephant, Olive baboon, black rhino, waterbuck, leopard, hyena and bongo are also found here.
The very privileged few might even see an albino zebra. Above the tree line, you'll find high altitude zebra and eland. At high altitudes eland and zebra can be found. There is excellent game viewing, fantastic scenery, with the lakes, tarns, glaciers, and high peaks. A number of rare birds and animals, and the high altitude plains game and the mountain forest. Added to this the natural mineral springs, and for a few intrepid souls mountain climbing itself, but this is not for the hill walker but more the skilled mountaineer.

A Kenya safari is mostly about wildlife, and Mount Kenya National Park and Reserve has its fair share, again changing with altitude and the season of the year. During the rains, it is the dispersal area for Meru National Park especially elephant and buffalo. In fact, electrified fencing has been put up near populated areas to keep the elephants off farmland. The wildlife in the forest below the Park Boundary includes the aforementioned elephant and buffalo. To which can be added lion, several different species of antelope including the very rare bongo. If you are incredibly lucky you might see up to eleven species unique to this area above 2500 meters. If you are planning a memorable Kenyan Safari then a trip to the Mount Kenya National Park and Reserve promises to be a wonderful experience.

Day 5. Samburu / Mount Kenya Safari tours - Wildrace African Safaris and Holidays

After breakfast we travel to Mt Kenya National Park. arriving at Serena Mountain Lodge { Children aged 6 and below are not allowed here }With magnificent views of majestic Mount Kenya, the , offer a unique blend of comfort, relaxation and adventure. Raised on stilts above the forest canopy, a timbered drawbridge leads from the forest and up on to the wooden ‘decks' of the lodge. Inside, the impression of having boarded a ship is perpetuated by a combination of log panelled walls, timbered game-viewing decks and winding stairs leading to a selection of snugly comfortable, cabin-styled rooms. Activities include guided walks through the forest, trout fishing in the clear mountain streams, trips to the high moorlands of the mountain, and 5-day luxury climbs of the mountain. Full Board accommodation at the Lodge.
Lake Nakuru National Park is flamingo land. It is home to a huge number of lesser flamingos. At any given time, every flamingo in the world seems to be at this beautiful shallow alkaline lake, just south of Nakuru town. The lake is a spectacular ocean of pink surrounded by forest and plains that are home other wildlife too. With a total area size of 368 square kilometers and home to more than 450 different kinds of birds, Lake Nakuru park is one of the finest ornithological sights in the world. The Lake is world famous as the location of the greatest bird spectacle on earth.
The Lake is located on the edge of the town of Nakuru lies about 160 kilometers north of Nairobi. This proximity Nairobi means that visitors who not have so much time can visit the park as a day trip excursion and return to Nairobi on the same day. Visitors on a shoestring budget can also visit the park and return to Nairobi without having to worry about accommodation.
Myriads of pink flamingos whose numbers are often more than a million, maybe two, find solace at the lake. Besides the Lesser Flamingos and Greater Flamingo, it is also marvelous place to other different types of birds. It has various waders that includes Avocet and one can enjoy the sight of Pelicans sweeping the water in unison - a rather attractive pelican version of synchronized swimming! Besides the birds, Lake Nakuru park provides a home for a wide variety of other forms of African wildlife. Conservationists' efforts to save some of the world's endangered species of mammals take place here too. A superb example of conservation at work in the wild, Lake Nakuru park, with the assistance of the World Wildlife Fund, is now providing sanctuary for Rothschild Giraffe, Black and White Rhino. The elusive Leopard can also be found at Lake Nakuru, living in perfect harmony with the largely aquatic landscape. Other wildlife that can be easily observed at the lake includes the buffalo, lion, black and white Colobus monkey in the forest. You will also see steinbok, Eland, Chandler's reedbuck, impala, and dikdik in the bush land.

Day 6. Mount Kenya / Lake Nakuru National Park tour - Wildrace African Safari Holidays Kenya

Early morning breakfast game en-route leave Sweet Water for Lake Nakuru arriving in time for lunch and check in at Lake Nakuru Lodge. Afternoon game drive across the Pink Lake often referred so due to it’s Great masses of Flamingos not forgetting the famous white Rhino and black rhino found in this park. Dinner and overnight at Lake Nakuru Lodge or Flamingo Hill tented Camp. Full Board accommodation too.
Lake Nakuru houses Kenya’s first rhino sanctuary and one of the largest concentrations of black rhinoceros in the world a large population of white rhino. The park features the picturesque Malaika Waterfalls. Also of interest is an area of 188 km around the lake fenced off as a sanctuary to protect Rothschild giraffes. Among predators are lion, leopard and large pythons hiding in the dense woodlands which may occasionally be seen crossing roads or dangling from trees. Others game include Thomson’s and Grant gazelle, the long- eared leaf-nosed bat, colobus monkey, rock hyrax, hippo, and waterbuck; Impala, striped hyena, bat-eared fox, wildcat, reedbuck and golden cat.

About Masai Mara Safaris: The Maasai Mara National Reserve or the Mara as its popularly known, boasts for sheltering various wild animals like the lion, cheetah and other animals that annually migrate to and from Tanzania to the Masai Mara like the Gazelles, wildebeest and zebras and many more. During a game drive, you are likely to view the big 5 which is something most tourists coming to Kenya hope to see. Rainy seasons usually start from November all through to May with December being the peak. As for the dry seasons, expect them anywhere from June to November.
While you are at the Masai Mara, you will be able to enjoy various activities like game viewing (both day and night), camping, learn about various cultures around there specifically the Maasai people, ballooning and many more. Game viewing can be done all year round with the availability of animals like the big 5, giraffe, hyena together with all the cat family. The famous wildebeest migration that happens from July to November is a site to behold. Over 2 million wildebeests, zebras and gazelles move to and from Tanzania to the Masai Mara and the cycle continues like that. As they migrate, they have to cross the rivers which expose them to dangers such as the crocodiles and drowning. Only the strong are able to make it through to the other side. This is something you definitely don't want to miss while you are in the Mara. Booking for Masai Mara trips should done in advance since the demand for accommodation is usually high. Peak seasons start from July to November obviously because of the great wildebeest migration so go ahead and book your start now!

Day 7. Lake Nakuru /Masai Mara Safari package - Wildrace African safari travel

Early morning breakfast . After breakfast leave Lake Nakuru for Masai mara arrivinge in time for lunch. check in Masai mara sopa lodge and have lunch. Afternoon game drive through the park in search of the Lion, Cheetah, Elephant, Buffalo. Dinner and overnight at Masai mara sopa lodge or simba Lodge or Sentrim Luxury tented Camp{ This accommodation can be changed in regard to your choices}
The Mara is magnificent, home to Kenya's richest concentration of wildlife, and regarded by many travelers as an essential stop on any tour of Africa. When westerners think of Africa and safari, this is place they imagine - golden grassland plains pocked with acacia, wildebeests, zebras, lions, and jackals bound by together by the cycle of life and death. Three days here will only scratch at the surface of the wonders of the Mara.

Day 8. Masai Mara Safari tours - Wildrace African Tours Kenya

Morning and afternoon game drives will lead you to some of Africa's largest lion prides, herds of zebra, antelopes, buffaloes, wildebeest, giraffes, cheetahs, and hyenas. Accommodations include en suite restroom facilities and secluded verandahs. In between game drives, lounge at the pool or bar, or enjoy a mid-day nap. Full Board Accommodation at Masai mara sopa lodge or simba Lodge or Sentrim Luxury tented Camp{ This accommodation can be changed in regard to your choices}

Day 9. Masai Mara  Safari Adventures – Wildrace Africa Safari Masai Mara National Park Tour

Early morning game drive game drive return back to lodge for breakfast . after breakfast Full day spend in the park with packed lunch in search of its popular residents like the well known predators and their opponents like the Zebra, Wildebeest, Giraffe, Hippo and the dangerous Crocodiles with a visit to Mara river. Meals and overnight at Full Board Accommodation at Masai mara sopa lodge or simba Lodge or Sentrim Luxury tented Camp. { This accommodation can be changed in regard to your choices}

Day 10. Masai Mara/ Nairobi - Wildrace Africa Safari trips

Early Morning breakfast at your lodge check out of the lodge and park and Drive to Nairobi arriving in time for lunch. Lunch at carnivore afterwards drop off at Airport for flight Back Home.

Prices: Depends on Vehicle Used.
Package Price with JEEP SAFARI VEHICLE USD $ .
Per Person USD $ 4500
Package Price with SAFARI VAN 4x4
Per Person USD $ 3700




Included & Excluded

What's Included

  • Accommodation as detailed in the itinerary
  • Airport pick up and drop off.
  • All meals noted in the itinerary. Each day generally includes Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner buffets consisting of both western and local dishes.
  • Transportation in standard game viewing safari vehicle complete with pop-up roof for easy viewing and photography.
  • Every passenger is guaranteed a window seat.
  • Your driver/guide speaks English and has in-depth knowledge of the flora, fauna, landscape, and Kenyan culture.
  • A minivan outfitted with two-way, long range high frequency radio communications equipment.
  • Each minivan carries safari accessories including wildlife books, beanbags to support cameras on car doors and window sills, binoculars, a first-aid kit, an ice-chest, and a fire extinguisher.
  • Bottled mineral water during game drives.
  • Park entrance fees and game drives as noted in the itinerary.
  • All government taxes, levies, and fees
  • Pick up and drop off transfers
  • Not Included

  • Domestic and international airfares and departures taxes.
  • Personal communications charges for telephone calls, faxes, email, etc.
  • Tips and gratuities for your driver/guide.
  • Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. (Bottled mineral water is provided in the minivan while on game drives.)
  • Laundry services
  • Between meal snacks, parks, attractions, and events not included in your itinerary

Price Guide by Season

High Season

Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb, MarchEconomyStandardLuxury
2 persons booked together$$$
4 persons booked together$$$
6 persons booked together$$$
Single Room Extra$$$
Children below 3 YearsFreeFreeFree
Children between 3-12 Years75% of adult rate75% of adult rate75% of adult rate

Peak Season

July, Aug, Sept, OctEconomyStandardLuxury
2 persons booked together$$$
4 persons booked together$$$
6 persons booked together$$$
Single Room Extra$$$
Children below 3 YearsFreeFreeFree
Children between 3-12 Years75% of adult rate75% of adult rate75% of adult rate

Low Season

April, May, JuneEconomyStandardLuxury
2 persons booked together$$$
4 persons booked together$$$
6 persons booked together$$$
Single Room Extra$$$
Children below 3 YearsFreeFreeFree
Children between 3-12 Years75% of adult rate75% of adult rate75% of adult rate

Christmass Extra

21st Dec - 3rd JanEconomyStandardLuxury
Price Per Person$$$

Acommodation Options

Sweet Waters

Luxury lodge / tented camp option
Standard lodge/ tented camp option
Economy lodge/ tented camp option
Budget Tented Camp/ Basic Camping

Samburu National Reserve

Luxury lodge / tented camp option
Standard lodge/ tented camp option
Economy lodge/ tented camp option
Budget Tented Camp/ Basic Camping

Mt. Kenya National Park

Luxury lodge / tented camp option
Standard lodge/ tented camp option
Economy lodge/ tented camp option
Budget Tented Camp/ Basic Camping

Lake Nakuru National Park

Luxury lodge / tented camp option
Standard lodge/ tented camp option
Economy lodge/ tented camp option
Budget Tented Camp/ Basic Camping

Maasai Mara Game Reserve

Luxury lodge / tented camp option Mara Sarova Camp, Mara Simba Lodge, Maran Serena Lodge, Ashnil Mara Camp, Keekorok Lodge
Standard lodge/ tented camp option Mara Sopa Lodge, Mara Leisure Camp, AA Lodge/Camp, Elangate Olerai Camp
Economy lodge/ tented camp option Olmoran Tented Camp, Sentrim Mara Camp
Budget Tented Camp/ Basic Camping